

Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging physical objects and spaces to promote positive energy flow and good fortune. One popular technique used in feng shui is the adjustment of the direction of a house or building. In this article, we will explore the concept of the “酉山卯向” (Youshan Maoxiang) direction adjustment and its significance in feng shui.

Youshan Maoxiang

“酉山卯向” (Youshan Maoxiang) refers to the adjustment of the orientation of a building so that it faces the Youshan (west) direction and its back faces the Maoxiang (east) direction. This adjustment is believed to bring positive energy and good fortune to the occupants of the building.

According to feng shui principles, the Youshan direction is associated with the metal element, which represents wealth and prosperity. The Maoxiang direction, on the other hand, is associated with the wood element, which represents growth and vitality. By facing the Youshan direction, a building is said to attract wealth and abundance, while facing away from the Maoxiang direction can help prevent stagnant energy and promote growth.

Application of Youshan Maoxiang

The Youshan Maoxiang direction adjustment is commonly used in residential and commercial feng shui practices. For example, homeowners may adjust the orientation of their house to face the Youshan direction to attract wealth and prosperity. Business owners may also use this technique to improve their financial success by positioning their store or office building to face the Youshan direction.

It is important to note that the Youshan Maoxiang direction adjustment is just one of many feng shui techniques and should be used in conjunction with other principles to achieve optimal results. Additionally, the adjustment may not be suitable for every building or space and should be carefully considered before implementation.


The Youshan Maoxiang direction adjustment is a powerful feng shui technique that can bring positive energy and good fortune to a building and its occupants. By facing the Youshan direction and avoiding the Maoxiang direction, a building can attract wealth and prosperity while promoting growth and vitality. However, it is important to remember that feng shui is a complex practice that requires careful consideration and should be used in combination with other principles to achieve the best results.